Observance of privacy right during video surveillance

Keywords: privacy right, video surveillance, principles of video surveillance, law enforcement agencies, data protection


The purpose of the paper is to research how privacy right is observed during video surveillance. The privacy right consists of the following elements: physical privacy, informational privacy, privacy of communication and privacy of the territory. Due to this right the person is protected from illegal searches, video surveillance, check-ups etc. In order to minimize such cases European Forum for Urban Security drafted Principles of Video Surveillance which were further included in Charter for a Democratic Use of Video-Surveillance.

Results. The main purpose of this document is to ensure privacy right during video surveillance. Those principles are the following:

– the principle of legality means that video surveillance in public places should comply with national and international legislation on data protection as well as protection of privacy and property rights;

– the principle of necessity says that video surveillance should be justified;

– the principle of proportionality means correspondence between goals which are intended to be achieved and means which are used;

– the principle of transparency means that activities on video surveillance taken by each subject in charge particularly governmental and local self-governmental bodies should be clear, convincing and known to public;

– the principle of accountability means that subjects in charge of video surveillance are fully responsible for the systems under their supervision;

– the principle of independent oversight says that constant independent oversight should be always carried out over the activities of subjects in charge;

– the principle of citizen participation means that the agency which made a decision on installment of video surveillance should involve public at each stage of the system’s life.

Сonclusions. It has been concluded that privacy right is one of the most important human rights which should be protected during video surveillance. To observe this right subjects in charge should observe the principles drafted by European Forum for Urban Security and included in the Charter for a Democratic Use of Video Surveillance


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How to Cite
Sokolan, T. (2019). Observance of privacy right during video surveillance. Administrative Law and Process, (4(23), 9-16. https://doi.org/10.17721/2227-796X.2018.4.02