Demands to a judge in Ukraine

  • Olena Yushkevych Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: judge, judge behavior, trust to the judge, the professional and personal features of a judge, psychology of a judge, ethics of a judge


In the article the author defined demands to professional judges in Ukraine, based on knowledge, skills and competences of the person, applying for a position of a Judge in Ukraine. Author stressed in the article, that most of the judges have forgotten or just disregard the main principles of the judicial branch. Among of them author underlined, that they should grant trust of the society to the judicial system and also to the image of the judicial system, that plays the main role in the present-day society; and that judges, as individuals have to hold their positions as the respected ones, providing necessary level of the trust to them by the society, as they have to work hard to support and further develop the trust to the judiciary.


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How to Cite
Yushkevych, O. (2019). Demands to a judge in Ukraine. Administrative Law and Process, (1(15), 157-164. Retrieved from
Special administrative law