International legal regulation of environmental security

  • Yuliia Krasnova National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: environmental security, international legal regulation, classification of legal acts, the Constitution of the Earth


This article is dedicated to international legal regulation of environmental security. It is stated that environmental security is based on the principles, which had been established at the declaration of the Environment & Development which had been adopted on the United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janerio from 14 June, 1992. But firstly, as object of legal regulation, it appeared in UNO’s General Assemblies resolutions from 5 December, 1986 and from 7 December, 1987, which had been dedicated to issues of armaments race finishing and nuclear disarmament. It is proved, that at the same time on international level some legal documents, where "environmental security" does not used had been formed. But according to the decisions which had been concluded on Rio de Janeiro’ s Declaration and according to the scientific approaches it is suggested that such documents established basics of environmental security supplying mechanism. Because of such a big quantity which used in research work, they`ve been classified in accordance with subject of legal regulation: a) acts, which ensure global environmental security, disaster prevention of planetary scale; b) acts, which ensure to prevent cross-border impact of activity under the jurisdiction and control of one state on the environment of other States; c) acts, which ensure regional environmental security; d) international legal acts, which introduces the mechanism of environmental security guarantee. The research work is supported to develop on international level unified legal act, which would be dedicated to the issues of environmental security ensuring.


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How to Cite
Krasnova, Y. (2019). International legal regulation of environmental security. Administrative Law and Process, (1(15), 96-105. Retrieved from
Special administrative law